In a speech aired on the Arabic-language Al-Manar TV on Friday night, Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah talked about the holy month of Ramadan and the challenges faced by Muslims. He said he will deliver a speech on the political matters on Monday, May 4.
Nasrallah said silence towards corruption and occupiers is not permissible.
He also called on the Lebanese people to exercise patience amid the current difficulties, saying that patience will definitely help the nation to overcome the current challenges.
“Patience is one of the major lessons we come up from fasting in the holy month of Ramadan,” he said, adding, “God Almighty says in the Holy Quran that He is with the patient.”
“The greatest thing that humans can achieve intellectually and spiritually is to know that God is with them,” the Hezbollah chief said.
Nasrallah also called on believers to contribute to social solidarity during Ramadan amid the dire economic conditions in Lebanon.
Concluding his speech, the Hezbollah chief urged believers to gain spiritual excellence in the holy month of Ramadan.
Following the coronavirus outbreak, Lebanon’s financial crisis has worsened causing renewed street protests against the government's economic policies. About 90% of businesses have closed, the country's national currency has lost 60 percent of its value, and food prices have soared.
In recent days, thousands of protesters have hit the streets overnight and clashed with the Lebanese army after burning tires, vandalizing banks, and blocking roads. One demonstrator died and over 40 soldiers injured.
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